Sccm Task Sequence Failed with the Error Code 0x80070002.

Isar Nasimov
3 min readJul 2, 2020


Recently while deploying an operating system using Sccm Task sequence and PXE boot I encountered this ERROR: Task Sequence Failed with the Error Code 0x80070002. For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.

Task Sequence Failed with the Error Code 0x80070002 during the “Applying Operating System” step.

Let’s talk about Error Code 0x80070002, This error is a generic error that could point to a lot of problems in our SCCM environment. We usually see this error during task Sequence operating system deployment.the error usually appears during the “Applying Operating System” step. The first thing you do is to press the “F8” key to promote CMD and look at the smsts.log file that could pour some light on the error and make it a little bit less generic. But sometimes looking at the log file is not enough and you find yourself with another generic error message.

Follow this Article if you checked and tried these steps:

  • You have checked your network connectivity from the client to the distribution point is working properly.
  • You made sure The Network Access account is configured correctly there are plenty of articles about how to configure and test your Network Access account.
  • You have checked the “Copy the content in this package to a package share on the distribution point:” Option. By right-clicking on the operating system image and choosing “Properties”, then clicking on the “Data Access” tab
  • You have Checked the “Allow Clients to connect anonymously” Option. By going to Administration ->Distribution Points->Select your DP, then right-click on “Properties” and choose the general tab.

If you tried all of the above and you are still getting Error Code 0x80070002 as I did you can try this other approach.

When I got this annoying error I have checked the SMSTS.log to see if it can pour some light on the error and lo and behold I saw this log:

“DownloadContentAndVerifyHash() Failed. 80070002”.I have made sure that my Client-distribution point connectivity is good and that my Network Access account is correctly configured by deploying another operating system on the same client.

That made me suspect that my boot image was corrupted.

But I had another theory maybe the hash calculation went badly.

The resolution i found helpful for Error Code 0x80070002 in particular “DownloadContentAndVerifyHash() Failed. 80070002”.

  • Make a copy of my boot image .wim file.
  • Make a copy of the boot image package
  • Change the source file of the new boot image package to the new .wim file by right-clicking on the new boot image package choosing properties then click on the data source tab.
  • Distribute the new boot image to your distribution point
  • Make a backup of your sequence by right-clicking on your task sequence and clicking copy.
  • Change the boot image package to the new one in the “applying operating system” step.
  • Make sure that the new task sequence is deployed to the distribution point.
  • Try distributing the operating system again with the new task sequence.

After I have made these steps and started deploying the new task sequence I didn’t encounter the error anymore. I figured out that the old boot image package metadata was corrupted and provided a foul hash and by making a new boot image package and forcing new metadata creation I have “fixed” the hash.

Follow these steps at your own risk.

This article was written for Documentary purposes and does not substitute a professional consultation.



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