A Communication Problem Between Lync 2010 Front-End Pool and SfB 2015 Front-End Pool And How To Fix It
Lately, in our organization, we had decided to take action and upgrade our Lync 2010 environment to SfB 2019, this includes a side-by-side migration to SfB 2015 and decommission of Lync 2010.
So we started working with Microsoft’s TechNet article side-by-side migration — Link
One of the first steps in the article is to create an A Record in our DNS for the new SfB 2015 Front-End Pool.
Skipping a bit forward, I’ve installed my Front-End servers in our SfB 2015 environment, and I’ve started the front-End services.
The next action I took is to move a user to the new pool and trying to communicate between the pools.
I was very satisfied when I was able to see that the user in SfB 2015 pool can see the presence of the user from Lync 2010, so I tried to send a message, but only one message sent, and none was received.
Here is the scenario:
User2015 — is logged in to SfB 2015 and sees “User2010” as Available.
User2010 — is logged in to Lync 2010 and sees “User2015” as presence unknown.
User2015 — can send only one message to “User2010” and after the first message, it won’t send any more.
User2010 — cant send a message at all to “User2015”.
First of all, I installed SfB 2015 debugging tools on one of my new Front-End servers.
It required a specific visual c++ version — Link.
I ran the “always-on” scenario on the SfB 2015 pool.
After that, I analyzed the logs with Snooper.
I saw an error alerting about the TLS.
Here is the log:
Severity: error
Text: Receive operation on the connection failed.
Local-IP: SFB2015FE2SERVER-IP:49165
Peer-IP: LYNC2010FE2SERVER-IP:5061
Connection-ID: 0x1201
Transport: M-TLS
Result-Code: 0x80072746
Data: fqdn=”LYNC2010FE2SERVER.DOMAIN.LOCAL:5061";tls-target=”LYNC2010POOL.DOMAIN.LOCAL”;ip-address=”LYNC2010FE2SERVER-IP”;peer-type=”InternalServer”;winsock-code=”10054";winsock-info=”The peer forced closure of the connection”
So the first thing I did is searching for 0x80072746 in Google, But none of the searches showed an internal server problem.
Although I didn’t come up with a proper solution, the queries inspired me with some ideas.
I’ve checked that the certification of Lync 2010 is valid on the SfB 2015 pool and vice-versa, I’ve used “certutil -url” command, after verifying that the certificates are valid.
The following action I took is to look at the DNS records, and thanks to an unpredicted lucky moment, I’ve decided to delete the SfB Front-End pool A record and created a new one and checked the box of the PTR record.
And then, my lucky charm friend entered the office, and the whole thing had seemed to work.